
Siblings Part Four- A Sherlock/Moriarty X Reader

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Part Four- Undercover
A Sherlock/Moriarty X Reader
Written By PrimeAlpha02

You burst into Sherlock's flat, expecting it to be empty and silent, but to your surprise, you were not alone when you entered the flat. Sherlock sat on the leather chair and Mycroft and Lestrade were sitting on the couch. They all turned to look at you with blank faces. “You're...early?!” You exclaimed, completely showing how shocked you were. You smiled. “This is a nice change.” You pointed out, as you walked towards the window. “Well, we were anxious to see you. It's been two weeks, f/n.” Sherlock explained.

You shot him a glance and shrugged. “It's not my fault. I agreed to work with Jim for one reason- so I could get closer to him and eventually catch him off guard and take him down once and for all. So obviously I couldn't meet with you three for a little while, because Jim would tell his guys to keep an eye on me. So, I couldn't come back here for two weeks. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm here now, aren't I?” You explained, as you pulled the blinds down. Sherlock raised his eyebrows. “Is that necessary?” He asked. You nodded. “I can never be certain that people aren't watching me. You never know with Jim.” You pointed out as you took out your phone and began typing something into it. A few seconds later, Mycroft's phone began vibrating. He Stood up and grabbed his phone. “Excuse me, I've got to take this.” He announced, and he walked into the kitchen.

You quickly sat down on the couch, in the exact spot that Mycroft was sitting. “Mycroft Holmes.” Mycroft spoke into the phone. “Hello?” He said. He hung up and turned back to you. “They hung up.” He explained. You held up your phone for him to see and smiled. “You're too gullible, Mycroft. I though you worked for the British Government.” You teased. He sighed. “What was the purpose of ringing me?” He demanded. You shrugged. “I wanted to sit down, and I knew that you wouldn't give up your seat.” You exclaimed. He frowned. “You're so immature...” He muttered. You shoved your phone back in your pocket. “Don't hate the player, hate the game.” You said, looking back at Sherlock. Sherlock was holding back his laughter- he clearly enjoyed you playing games with his older brother. You had to admit that you enjoyed it as well.

“You still could have messaged us, f/n. But instead you left us with nothing.” Lestrade stated. You looked at him. “Jim could easily check my phone and see the messages. Come on, Lestrade. Think before you speak.” You hissed. You smiled. “Why is it such a big deal, anyways? Did you guys miss me?” You teased. Sherlock rolled his eyes, but you could see him blush a little bit. You decided to ignore it and cut to the chase. You cleared your throat and put on your serious face. “Alright, let's get down to business. Now that I'm 'working' with Jim, I'll be able to keep and eye on him and hopefully know what he is planning on doing. Every two weeks we will meet right here, and I will fill you in.” You explained, “I would meet with you guys more often, but if I do, that would be obvious to Jim. I can barely get away with doing it once every two weeks!”

Mycroft nodded. “It's better than nothing. It will have to do.” He replied.

“Are you sure you can do this, f/n?” Lestrade asked, “If you are even hesitating, you need to tell us.”

You laughed. “It doesn't matter if I want to do this or not, Lestrade. I am the only one who can take Jim down. It is now my job to stop him. Who cares how I feel?” You reminded him.

“I do.” Sherlock replied. Everyone turned to him silently. You raised your eyebrows. There was a brief silence in the room. Sherlock looked at you. “WE do.” He finished. Once again, silence filled the room. “What did you think I meant?” Sherlock asked. Lestrade shrugged. “Nothing.” He quickly said. “Same here.” You added.

“I thought you meant that you CARED about f/n.” Mycroft pointed out. Both you and Sherlock shot a glance at him. “Shut up, Mycroft.” You both said at the same time. Sherlock went back to staring at the wall, and you looked at Lestrade. “You haven't told anyone that I'm helping you, right?” You asked, just to make sure. Lestrade stayed silent for a second, which caught both Mycroft and Sherlock's attention. They glared at him, and so did you. “Right?” You repeated, more strict this time. He frowned. “...Was I not supposed to?” He asked cluelessly. You frowned and stood up in disbelief. You covered your face with your hands and began pacing around the room. “What?! Why is it such a big deal?!” Lestrade exclaimed, confused about what was going on. “You IDIOT!” You, Mycroft and Sherlock yelled at the same time.

“What?!” Lestrade yelled. You gave him an angry look. “I'm undercover, Lestrade! I'm pretending to work with Jim! If people know that I am working with you people, they could let the word out! It could lead back to Jim! He could find out that I'm working with you!” You cried. Lestrade processed this infromation slowly, and then covered his mouth with his hand. “Oh my god...” He muttered to himself. “Exactly!” You yelled. You raised the blinds so you could see the street. “Someone could see you, f/n!” Mycroft pointed out. You looked at him. “It doesn't matter anymore, does it?! Because Lestrade decided to be an IDIOT and spread the word around that I'm working with you! Now Jim is going to find out that I'm working with you for sure!” You hissed. There was silence in the room, but then Mycroft spoke up.

“Not necessarily.” He said. You stopped pacing. “What do you mean?” You asked eagerly.

“It depends on who Lestrade told.” He pointed out. Mycroft, Sherlock and you turned to Lestrade. Lestrade ran his sweaty hand through his hair. “I told a few officers...Donovan, Anderson...” He stated. Sherlock sighed in frustration. “You told ANDERSON?! Who knows what THAT moron will do with that information!” Sherlock snapped. Lestrade crossed his arms. “Don't worry, the people I told would never go around telling other people. They're loyal.” Lestrade insisted. You pointed at him. “You're lucky.” You hissed, “Don't let this happen again. You're supposed to be a mature, sophisticated detective. Start acting like one.” You scolded. Lestrade nodded as he stared at the ground.

You turned to Mycroft. “Make sure Lestrade doesn't do anything stupid, will you?” You demanded. Mycroft nodded. Finally, you looked at Sherlock. “Make sure that neither of them do something stupid, alright?” You stated. Sherlock nodded and smirked. You crossed your arms and sighed. “Okay. I feel somewhat relaxed now.” You admitted. Just then, your phone vibrated. You quickly snatched it from your pocket and turned it on. A text message popped up on the screen- it was from Jim. You frowned as you stared at the screen. Sherlock looked at you. “It's from Jim, I'm guessing?” He exclaimed. You slowly nodded, only half-listening to what Sherlock was saying. Sherlock stood up and began walking over to you. He peered over your shoulder, attempting to read it. “What's it say?” He inquired, squinting at the screen. Once you noticed that he was trying to read the message you quickly shoved your phone back in your pocket and put on a fake smile.

“Nothing important.” You lied, and you began walking towards the door. “I better be going before Jim notices I'm gone. See you all in two weeks.” You said as you turned the door knob. You were about to pull open the door when Sherlock leaned against it, keeping it closed. You gave him an annoyed look. “Move, Sherlock. I've got to go.” You told him. He stared right back at you. “Show me your phone first.” He replied. You rolled your eyes. “Stop playing games with me, Sherlock. Let me pass.” You warned. He still didn't budge. You frowned. You sighed and gave Sherlock one more disapproving look. “Fine, let's do it the hard way.” You muttered. You walked over to the window and opened it. You sat on the ledge and looked back at the three men. “It's about time that you start acting your age, Sherlock. You should all know by now. Never put me in a corner.” You snapped. You looked back onto the street, your feet dangling. Lestrade stood up. “Don't jump, f/n. You'll hurt yourself.” He warned.

You ignored him and pushed yourself off on the window ledge and began falling to the ground. Once you landed, it only hurt a little bit. You sighed as you stood up and called a taxi. You looked up at the window you had just fallen from to see Mycroft staring at you with a look of shock. A taxi pulled over and you hopped in. You gave him the directions to an abandoned warehouse. The taxi began driving away, and at the same time, Sherlock and Lestrade ran out onto the sidewalk and watched you leave.

You took your phone out and looked at the message; 'Meet me- abandoned warehouse, 513 Fose Road. 5:00pm. Don't be late. It is urgent.' You began typing on your phone and sent a message back to Jim saying, 'On my way.'
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celvista's avatar
*Intense fangirling*